Reality is a transit lockout: Songs about riding the bus

Ominocity’s soundtrack to Saskatoon’s transit lockout

If you live in Saskatoon and remotely rely on the bus then life likely hasn’t been all that easy as of late. The current transit lockout, which has lasted for nearly two weeks, doesn’t appear to have an end in sight.

For anyone who misses their transit, this one is for you: Here are five of our favourite songs about riding the bus:

CLICK HERE for our favourite songs about riding the bus: Readers’ Choice.

SNFU – “Reality is a Ride on the Bus”

Mr. Chi Pig, the manic frontman of Vancouver’s SNFU, really nailed it with this one – this should be the anthem of every transit rider ever:

“My face is buried inside a book
Everybody’s wearing a haggard look
The sirens scream, a baby cries
Everyday on this bus I ride”

The Replacements – “Kiss Me on the Bus”

I can’t think of anything less romantic than a ride on public transit, but it just goes to show that the true lovers are the ones who can make the best of any situation:

“On the bus, that’s where we’re ridin’
On the bus, O.K., don’t say hi, then
Your tongue, your transfer,
your hand, your answer”

Jonathan Richman – “You’re Crazy For Taking the Bus”

Ever take a bus cross-country? Like, for several days at a time? That feeling when you finally step off is indescribable.

“Salt Lake City, everybody off
With Elko Welles and Reno down the line
So you take the plane but I’ll take the bus this time”

Buck-O-Nine – “Ride The Bus”

Like ska, writing a song as an actual primer for taking a bus seems unnecessary. Especially when it rhymes.

“Me and my friends
Don’t need any change
We tapped the card
The fare is arranged”

“Weird Al” Yankovic – “Another One Rides the Bus”

There’s nothing weird about riding the bus Al.

“Well, I think I’m missin’ a contact lens.
I think my wallet’s gone.
And I think this bus is stoppin’ again,
To let a couple more freaks get on.”

Some of our other favourite songs about riding the bus:

The Decemberists – “On The Bus Mall”
The Who – “Magic Bus”
ZZ Top – “Waitin’ For The Bus”
Kris Kross – “I Missed the Bus”

-Photo from Flickr user “93203978@N06” – Creative Commons.