Ominocity to conduct one of the “greatest” scavenger hunts of “all time”
Free beer anyone?
For our website launch, Ominocity is holding a beer blaster/MoSo mixer on Saturday at the Hose and Hydrant. The party starts at 7pm and goes until forever (or, more appropriately, until 9pm when we get cut off. Also, nothing is actually forever except the regret you’ll have if you don’t come).
However, during Thursday and Friday night on MoSoFest, Ominocity will be hiding free beer (coupons) within select venues in the Broadway area.
Here’s how it’s all gonna work:
- Follow Ominocity on Instagram and Twitter, where we will be delivering a series of clues as to where the beer coupons are hidden.
- Go to MoSoFest. Doy.
- Find a free beer coupon? You lucky goodlooking! Rub it in the collective face of your friends and peers and bring it to Ominocity’s beer blaster/MoSo mixer on Saturday, where we will gladly pour you a cold foamy one.
The fine print: You have to be legal drinking age to participate. Double doy. Also, one coupon per person please. Also, any attempt to use a coupon after our Saturday beer blaster/MoSo mixer will result in one solid heckling. Of you. By us.