Saskatoon Blitz!: Taco Man vs Darth Maul

Saskatoon Blitz! Review: The Adventures of Taco Man and Dana the Hulk at Comic Con

“I brought the taco suit with me, but I’m at least four drinks away from putting it on.”

So began my trip to this year’s Saskatoon Blitz with Ominocity’s Ryan Smith. We would clearly need some liquor in us to make the most of the event.

We got to the Saskatoon Inn too late for the most promising panel discussion of the day, “My Little Bronies”. I’d wager that fewer know that there are enough bronies in Saskatoon to staff an entire panel than know what a brony even is, so it makes sense that they’d want the chance to explain their fascination with the new cartoon My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and their connection to the growing internet subculture.

Alas, we deemed breakfast more important and will have to wait until next year to meet our local bronies.

Saskatoon Blitz!: Billy West

Voice acting superstar Billy West was second on our list of things to be excited about. Roles like Futurama’s Philp J. Fry, Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Doug, and Stimpy, and hundreds of others means his is a voice we’ve all grown up with, whether or not we’re aware of it. He talked about his life for an hour and did funny voices when he wanted to make us laugh.

It turns out he’s got a major problem with celebrities who aren’t voice actors doing voicework, though, especially if they tell him how surprised they are that it takes a lot of work. I guess he doesn’t like finding out people weren’t always aware that he is talented.

Saskatoon Blitz!: Amazing StoriesSaskatoon Blitz!: The Other Guy

Vendors in the next room were on hand to sell attendees comic books, action figures, classic video games, anime, animal ears – it was truly a nerdy wonderland. Did I get my Christmas shopping done in June, you might ask? I don’t want to spill any secrets, but my mom doesn’t know the internet exists so I can tell you that I hope she loves her new dragon costume bunnyhug!

You’ve always had my heart, Jessica Rabbit. E-mail me if you see this!

Sometime mid-afternoon we each had enough pints and shots in us for Ryan to put his taco costume on. He claimed it was to make taking photos of people easier, but it was easy to see the truth – he wanted to meet girls while wearing a taco costume. Luckily, these things aren’t exclusive to each other!

Saskatoon Blitz!: Taco Man & Jessica Rabbit

Included in this article is this “Missed Connection” that I wrote for Ryan because I knew he wouldn’t.

YOU: Jessica Rabbit

ME: guy in a taco suit

You couldn’t have known the effect you had on me on June 9th at the Saskatoon Blitz; you have no way of knowing. Your sparkly red dress and shocking red hair both brought me back to a simpler time, one where a younger man in a smaller taco costume (soft shell, then) learned what it was to truly love someone as he attempted to unravel the mystery behind who had framed poor Roger Rabbit. (It turns out this was a super easy mystery to solve, it was the evil looking guy.)

You’ve always had my heart, Jessica Rabbit. E-mail me if you see this!

Saskatoon Blitz!: Taco Man & Sailor Moon

Further drinks in we decided we were ready to take on a round of Sailor Moon trivia. It turns out that I am completely awful at this, but Ryan is only sort of awful at it. I answered a question about when the show began with “1984!” while he went with the much more reasonable “1993”. He wasn’t that far off, since the correct answer is 1995. He was so close to adding a free button to his taco.

Saskatoon Blitz!: Doctor Doom

Tragedy struck the evening when we discovered that we couldn’t enter Ryan into the costume contest – “No store bought costumes!” – so we had to resign ourselves to cheering for Doctor Doom and Darth Maul while secretly hoping that they would start shooting lightning bolts at each other and taking princesses hostage. Taco Man would show them that a store-bought costume has what it takes to save the day then, despite his machine stitched lettuce!

Saskatoon Blitz!: Dana & MarioSaskatoon Blitz!: Vega

Saskatoon Blitz!: Taco Man & Dana the Hulk
The Adventures of Taco Man and Dana the Hulk by Don Sparrow