Making It in the Music Industry
One of the most entertaining careers in this world has to be that of a musician. Therefore, if you have the talent and creativity to make great music, you should certainly try to get your tunes out into the world. Of course, most rewarding things in life take a lot of work and getting into the music industry is no exception. It is a long journey that is full of many possible setbacks. However, it’s almost certain that same journey is full of wise lessons, wonderful opportunities, and good times. So as long as you remember your ultimate goal and do your best to achieve that goal, you will overcome every challenge and go on to become the music sensation you’ve been dreaming of.
Solutions to the Challenges of Getting into the Music Industry
Fortunately, every obstacle that comes your way as you are trying to make it as a musician can be overcome with some good thinking skills, an open mind, and positivity every step of the way.
Hard Work with Little Pay
This causes frustration because money is one of the best motivators and new musicians can’t wait to be living it up like the famous stars in the media. It is also troublesome to have to find another way to support yourself. The solution for this is to keep the motivation you always had for your music because that passion got you this far and will continue to get you even further. Just find other ways of making money that don’t take up a lot of your time and you’ll be living the rich life before you know it!
Last-Minute Show Cancellations
This is a challenging set back that occurs when you have an unprofessional promoter for your show. Move past this unfortunate circumstance by always being prepared for the possibility and staying on good terms with everyone involved with this canceled show for more opportunities in the future.
No Pay for Radio Royalties
It can be disappointing to realize that radio stations in America are not required to pay royalties to musicians. The best way to deal with this is to find better promotion opportunities for yourself like getting paid to post your videos to YouTube or taking gigs at small clubs and restaurants to reach a new audience. Those gigs also give you the chance to invite your social media followers to come see you perform live. Then, you can hire a promotion company to find other artists for you to collaborate with. That will allow you to reach more people in a way that is great for spotify promotion. With a nice social media integration and over 100 million fans for you to reach, Spotify is very beneficial.
Your Demo Doesn’t Receive a Response
It can be extremely dispiriting to create a music demo, send it out, and wait expectantly for a response that never comes. Luckily, there are ways to improve your chances of receiving a positive response to your demo. You must first realize that sometimes your music demo has to go through quite a few people to get to the right person. With this knowledge you can remain hopeful as you wait on a response. Along with that hope, be sure to continue doing shows for the public and try to get press coverage for those shows to help get you noticed.
No One Comes to Your Show
Another discouraging challenge has to be booking a show that no one really comes to, especially when you’re just starting out. In this type of situation, it’s best to stay positive by focusing on the fact that you had a show to perform instead of how many people came. Then, use that same positivity to keep a good relationship with everyone that was involved with that show despite the low turnout. This ensures they will want you to come back for possible future gigs that will probably have a better turnout because you will have the wisdom to use enhanced marketing strategies that can reach more people.
Believe to Achieve
It certainly seems that the music industry is tough to get into; full of unexpected hurdles and difficulties. However, many musicians have passed through those common challenges to gain more success than they ever thought possible. Every musician that tries is not going to make it, but there are ways to raise your own personal chances. It is more than likely that with good focus, patience, hard work, the right knowledge, and true passion you can overcome any of those obstacles to become a profitable musician that is truly successful, loved, and well respected.