Single Mothers, Mobina Galore and TMHM
Shopping for crew, cool jackets and stirring up the pit. Maybe one of those things will happen at ye olde punk rock show, this Thursday at Amigos.
Yes We Mystic, Too Soon Monsoon
Apparently Yes We Mystic are playing in two places at the same time? Good for them? About time? I dunno anymore. Tuesday at the Black Cat Tavern.
Ritual Rabbits, Bicycle Daze and Oscar’s Hollow
Inviting melodies, sweet hooks and dreamy vocals. And that’s only one of the bands! If you’re angling for some fun on a Friday, come check out the jams at Amigos.
The Sex Geckos, Drab Wrath and Krash
Grab your board and come shred, shred, shred to the sounds of the underground. All ages? You betcha. This Saturday at the Saskatoon Indoor Skatepark.
The Buddy Cole Monologues
He’s back! Lounge lizard Buddy Cole – Scott Thompson is you aka – from Kids in the Hall makes a return to the limelight in an evening of humorous monologues from the period the show went off the air in 1995 to the present day. This Saturday at the Broadway Theatre.
Alex Bent + the Emptiness, after two am and Toria Summerfield
Need a dance party to kick off your weekend? Pre-work off all that gross green beer with this rager at the Capitol on Friday.