Saskatoon Blitz

Saskatoon Blitz 2013 Preview

Furries and bronies convene at annual comic convention June 8-9

From humblest origins the Saskatoon Blitz continues to grow in power and influence, a journey not unlike that of your favourite superhero. Unless your favourite superhero is tragically flawed or dead or keeps quitting. (I love you, Spider-man, but get your shit together.)

It’s like your favourite superhero just hitting their prime. The Blitz is expanding in almost every way possible for a convention this year – more days, more guests, more panels, more activites, more everything.

The first addition you’ll notice is a movie night at the Roxy Theatre. Weekend pass holders will be treated to an anime sampler, the Canadian premier of Maria Cabardo’s Better Things, and a screeing of Princess Mononoke, all happening tonight. You need a weekend pass to get into these screenings, but Saturday and Sunday both have day passes.

The convention proper starts tomorrow, bright and early Saturday morning at the Saskatoon Inn. The opening ceremonies lead into a packed day of speakers and panels, with multiple rooms going all day long. There’s even a dedicated photo shoot room so you can snap a new Facebook profile picture with Bender.

John DiMaggio – the voice of Bender Rodriguez, Jake the Dog, a bunch different Batman villians (including the Joker one time, I guess Luke Skywalker was sick that day), and a lot of other things – will be around signing autographs, taking pictures, and doing two different panels. Maybe, if you’re lucky, he’ll tell you to bite his shiny metal ass.

The Blitz’s first live action leading actor will be present, too, doing a panel and a Q & A session on Saturday. You’ll recognize him from Battlestar Galactica, X-Men 2, or iRobot, among other things. Lots of other exciting people will be speaking and taking questions over the weekend, including author James Davidge and actor, writer, producer, and director Todd Haberkorn. Check out the full list at

The always interesting community panel is back this year, too. Put together by festival attendees and guests alike, the panels range from steampunk, cyborg humanity, Astroboy, furries, James Davidge workshops, to improv. Probably any of those things could spontaneously combine at any moment, creating an entirely new subsection of the internet.

A dance will end things off on Saturday night and the cosplay costume competition will finish off Sunday. It’s going to be a fun weekend full of some of the truly best people on the planet – nerds.

Saskatoon Blitz

— Photos courtesy of Katie Deobald Photography