
Bands to look for in 2012

2011 was pretty awesome but fuck that noise – 2012 is going to be better. Continuing our endless tradition of inane lists and download links galore, here are some bands and records to look forward in the New Year.

And it should go without saying that there are umpteen more amazing bands from Saskatoon alone that are worth checking out – in fact we’ve got some upcoming interviews with a few of them this month! These are but a few that I am personally looking forward to seeing more of and hearing new material in 2012.


Grey Light District

Another one of those Saskatoon bands that’s comprised of some dudes who play in other bands, the Grey Light District play brutish music for thinkin’ fellers. Of course, with this being something of a side project, I actually probably dig it more than any of the member’s other bands. Chad Munson, GLD bassist and local mountain, played a super-secret recording for me which sounded completely devastating. Chad said it wasn’t all that great – I thought it was awesome. But I didn’t get where I did in life by listening to Chad.

Karpinka Bros.

Saskatoon’s answer to a hug that never stops, The Karpinka Bros. have already captured the love of an entire city by being the musical equivalent of warm longjohns and a stiff glass of rye. Rumour has it they are putting out an album on vinyl in 2012. I can’t wait for the interviews I am going to do with them…

The Seahags

Any given conversation I’ve had with a Seahag about The Seahags usually ends with them with them downplaying their band – if this ever happens to you just gently humour them. The Seahags are stompy, aloof, sassy, scary and wickedly talented, which are qualities I tend to look for in a woman anyway. Win-win! Plus I got to hear some recent, unreleased recordings so I already know that their next album is going to beat you with a wooden spoon.

Soul Mates

Soul Mates’ earlier incarnation, Night Danger, will go down as one of the great unsung bands of Saskatoon. Their only recording, entitled Beach Bods, which was supposed to be a split release with The Eyebats on Scotch Tapes, is a fierce testament to the group’s live show. Reforming with a slightly different line-up, Soul Mates are dad rock for kids who still like it hard and screamy.


Having relocated back to Saskatoon from the tundra ghetto of Winnipeg, ex-Nyet to the Neins members have drafted Mr. Everyman Aaron Soulz to round out their psych-punk meanderings. Anger should be like a Kleenex: strong, soft and disposable.

Powder Blue

Whenever a new local band pops up you just sort of scratch your head and realize that a slow, blissful, fuzzy, all-girl psych rock band is something that Saskatoon so sorely lacks. Doy. Check out their debut show on January 28 at Amigos with Reform Party.

Zombifyus/Dreaming of Electric Sheep/Feral Children

Bennett Dobni is a possibly one of the most fascinating musicians of Saskatoon. A key player in every band mentioned above, Dobni’s prowess is inexplicable. But mostly just good.



I used to date this band in Montreal called Murder Ford Monument. We were pretty good together, or so I thought. Then they dumped me. Luckily it was pretty much akin to dodging the divorce bullet. But the lesson to learn here is that when you break up with someone you drink some beers, you stay out late and then you move on to the next thing. CTZNSHP is your next steamy Montreal love affair, with plenty of bombastic vocals and killer guitar work.

Doug Hoyer/Jessica Jalbert

Our wacky cousins to the west, Edmonton has a darling scene of upcoming musicians including Doug Hoyer, Jessica Jalbert and the super friends who back them up (Liam Trimble and Rene Wilson). In fact, Doug’s record, Doug Hoyer Walks With the Tender & Growing Night, probably should have made it on my Best Records of 2011 lists – it probably didn’t because he didn’t press it on white vinyl to match that spanky white suit he always wears. Oh well.

Fist City/Ketamines/Mammoth Cave Recordings

I am always so weirded out when small towns that are known for pick-up trucks with those gross balls that hang off the trailer hitch manage to produce amazing local underground rock scenes. But somehow Lethbridge continues to churn out some amazing punk burners like it’s totally no big deal. Look for a new record from the Ketamines as well as Fist City’s new LP, entitled It’s 1983 Grow Up. And don’t forget to check out the Fist City punk show at Amigos on January 13.