What to do in Saskatoon: Radiation Flowers, Chronobot, Parab Poet & the Hip Hop Hippies

The Radiation Flowers, Foggy Notions and Fusarium

Come celebrate the new release “Stuck In A Maze” by The Radiation Flowers, this Saturday at Amigos Cantina. Joining them will be noise-pop janglers The Foggy Notions, and psychedelic prairie surfers Fusarium. Bring money!

Eh Oh! Let’s Go! and The Hurry Hards

Cretin Hop into Christmas with your pals. Eh Oh! Let’s Go! will be performing a smattering of Ramones’ greatest hits for you to enjoy, this Saturday at the Black Cat.

Mongol, Cell, Thalass, Chronobot, Black Sun Tales, Zenheller

For those of us who think the holidays are monopolized by chipper, upbeat tunes, come to the Black Cat this Friday for some heaviosity that doesn’t skimp on the dark. Come thrash to the promise of mandatory holidays and sleep ins.

Parab Poet & The Hip Hop Hippies, Hoodoo Mafia and DJ Chaps

Come get posi, forget about your winter woes, and dance the night away – this Friday at the Capitol.