What to do when Netflix is pooched and the power is out: #YXEblacksunday

Booze and board games: the go-to cure for the black-out blues

The night started off well enough, despite the wicked cold snap.

But shortly after supper, residents across Saskatoon’s east side began experiencing roving power outages. This isn’t usually much of a cause for alarm, but for those not currently living in the prairies, the temperatures had dipped down to a genitals-shrivelling -50C throughout the day. That’s when things can get a little scary.

So what exactly is there to do when Netflix is pooched and you’re attempting to avoid thinking about impending indoor frostbite?

We here at Ominocity had a nice belt of scotch, lit some candles and sang Roxette songs from memory. But that’s not for everyone (maybe).

Here is how some Saskatonians dealt with #YXEblacksunday:

– Featured photo from Flickr user “rogerglenn” – Creative Commons.