Shooting Guns release stream of new album Brotherhood of the Ram: Review

American label Easy Rider Record to distribute band’s sophomore album

Shooting Guns, a Saskatoon doom-psych instrumental band, are now streaming their second album Brotherhood of the Ram.

And it sounds like the maelstrom of your nightmares.

The centrepiece of the album is the track “Motherfuckers Never Learn”, a nine-and-a-half minutes long bombardment of glimmering swaths of noise amidst Cold War-era-sounding air raid sirens. The rest of the album follows a similar pattern: groovy, noise-dirge riffs trundle amidst tight rhythms.

The guitars are still as guttural as ever, but the instrumental flourishes have always been the band’s calling card, giving them a melodic edge amidst the waves of doom.

Bands without vocals are supposed to be boring. But fuck that noise. Brotherhood of the Ram is the slow boat into the apocalypse.

As reported on the band’s Facebook page, Easy Rider Records will be distributing the album in the US, Europe and internationally. Pre-Rock Records, which is located in Saskatoon and appears to be an imprint run by Shooting Guns, will be handling distribution of the LP within Canada.

The band states that pre-orders will begin in a few weeks before the album’s official release on Oct 15.

Shooting Guns at JunoFest