Man dies at Fez

Man dies at Saskatoon’s The Fez

27-year-old male reportedly dies after falling down nightclub staircase

A 27-year-old man has died after falling down the stairs at The Fez, located on the 800 block of Saskatoon’s Broadway Ave, around 11:40 pm, Thursday night.

The man had fallen down the stairs and hit his head at the bottom, going into medical duress, say police.

According to a police news release the cause of death is still under investigation and foul play is not suspected.

Police aren’t confirming the location of the incident, however Ominocity was on scene and can confirm that authorities were at The Fez after midnight on Thursday, July 26.

The Fez was hosting a live MC rap battle at the time of the incident.

Ominocity would like to remind our readers the man’s identity is yet to be officially confirmed.