The mason jar provides a sly, but good, solution for casual outdoor drinking
Summer can be a confusing time for those of us who enjoy our boozy drinks. On one hand, it’s nice out and you want to be drunk all the time with your friends. On the other hand, hanging out in a torrid, sweaty bar or pub is likely the last thing you want to do.
While we here at Ominocity do love our local establishments – especially those with outdoor patios and/or air conditioning – we have stumbled across another solution that satisfies those who seek both suds and sun.
All hail the mighty mason jar.
The mason jar is the best for concealing a spirituous concoction and perfect for the budding alcoholic on the go
Sealed tight for freshness, the mason jar is the best for concealing a spirituous concoction and perfect for the budding alcoholic on the go. Most people looking to harsh on public drinking aren’t looking for someone guzzling from a jar, especially if you go to enough lengths to make it look like some good old homemade iced tea, or good old homemade cola.
Even better, reusing these jars for booze is a good way to help the environment, so take that haters.
Check out Ominocity’s recipe for a mason jar-full-o’-good-times:
The Boh-Gin Caesar AKA The Bloody Merry:
If you haven’t ever experienced a Boh-Gin then I weep for you. While the origins of the drink remain shrouded in a haze of liquor, campfire and that gross plastic-y condom smell, it is 99 per cent likely that the drink was concocted in the prairies for the prairies.
A Boh-Gin is simple: Drink the neck from a bottle of Bohemian beer and then add one ounce of gin, preferably something not barfy. Next, block the opening of the beer with your thumb, tip upside down, and enjoy this Frankenstein drink in moderation. Or something, whatever.
It is doubtful a Boh-Gin could conceivably work in a jar – part of the charm of the drink is drunkenly spilling Tanqueray all over your shaky hand. However, whipping that gin into Clamato, hot sauce, Worcestershire, dill pickle brine (and a pickle, don’t be dumb), a lime AND a Boh is total skid drunk heaven.
However, you might still want to watch out for cops, parents, big sisters and brothers or any other no-fun wieners – they might want to know why you are casually drinking from a jar with a pickle bobbing around in it.
Editor’s Note – This article is not an endorsement on outdoors drinking, and is solely meant to mock all mainstream media coverage on summer booze.