mosofest schedule

Saskatoon’s MoSoFEST Reveals Full Line-Up

Local multi-venue festival drops on June 14-16

Editor’s Note – This article is part of our all-week coverage on festivals in Saskatchewan that promote local music.

This Friday it might be a good time to check out the latest issue of Saskatoon’s bi-weekly newspaper Planet S Magazine – MoSoFest has dropped their entire festival line-up, including dates, venues and timelines.


The line-up spans from Louis’, Amigos, The Refinery, Vangeli’s, The Fez, Lydia’s and the Broadway Theatre, and begins on June 14 to June 16.

Concurrently, it might be a good time to start strategically planning on what bands you are going to go see and how you are going to fit in the totally regrettable hot dog purchased from Sev.

Also, apparently there are secret shows and BBQ’s in the works, which hopefully means non-regrettable wieners.

Check out or one of those silly non-digital news thingies for more details.