Sexy Mathematics

Sexy Mathematics Interview

Chris Daviduik, leader of hyper-charged indie dance rock unit Sexy Mathematics, is dropping a new LP entitled Future Nights.

While Daviduik is now located in Toronto, an earlier incarnation of Sexy Mathematics used to exist in Saskatoon where he recorded and released his first EP entitled Integration.

While he has since recruited an entirely new band, Daviduik, however, is quick to point out that the concept of Sexy Mathematics hasn’t deviated much from his original vision.

“Since moving to Toronto I really don’t think any of the main concepts or motivations behind Sexy Mathematics have changed,” says Daviduik. “We recorded Future Nights before I left Saskatoon so most of the groundwork for what we are doing now was laid out then. Changing members definitely affects the dynamic of the band however, at its core, Sexy Mathematics remains the same.”

Future Nights starts innocuously enough with some chilled out synth-wave before circuit-bending it’s way into a dichotomy of some seriously sharp guitar riffing battling it out with some keytar leads and glitch-core – sort of like spying on two robots engaged in some serious 2.0 party skronking.

Sexy Mathematics

And despite some turn-of-the-century rump shaking hi-hat beats, Daviduik manages to avoid any of the usual pitfalls associated with the dance punk genre – he is actually a wholly talented and able songwriter who can produce a product that’s both whip smart and catchy.

For example, on title track “Future Nights”, guitar leads that could have been ripped from an epic RPG 8-bit video game blend seamlessly with Daviduik’s falsetto – which is pretty much everything you’ve ever demanded from good dance music anyway.

“When we began recording Future Nights, my main motivation was to create an album I would be happy with when it was all done, and to that end I believe we succeeded,” says Daviduik. “Beyond my personal aspirations for the album I really hope it has an impact or influence in someone’s life that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Similar to the albums I have listened to that are important to me. That is the ultimate goal.”

“Every day I am trying to push Sexy Mathematics to another level and Future Nights is essentially a really big push I can only afford doing roughly once every year or so,” continues Daviduik. “After moving to Toronto you sort of start from scratch. However there is a lot more of accessible potential which we have begun taking advantage of and I plan on pursuing much more aggressively with the album release.”

Future Nights is up for pre-order – no word on when Daviduik plans on bringing his latest line-up back to Saskatoon for a homecoming rave up.

“We have a show coming up on August 4th,” he reports. “And we will be concentrating on playing lots around Toronto to promote the album as well as some touring nearby.”

Sexy Mathematics