
Ghost Town, Saskatchewan: Catherwood, Feudal: Photo Essay

Exploring the rural ghost houses of Route 655, Saskatchewan

Highway 655 is a typical, but unremarkable area of Saskatchewan. Lots of field and farm – standard grid road fare. But if you look a little harder there’s a few ghost houses amidst the endless sway of the prairies.

South of Perdue, there are a few of these towns that have dried up, dropped out and decayed away. Like Catherwood.

Weirdly enough, while it still pops up on Google maps, there isn’t much evidence that Catherwood was ever a town aside from a few scattered shanties. And there isn’t much for reading material on the internet either. The drive out is still pretty though.

Also, don’t forget that walking into an abandoned building, especially a long-decayed prairies ghost house, is a really, really dumb idea. Especially when there’s no floor.



Roughly ten minutes down the road you’ll find Feudal, where there’s a bit more going on – like a CO-OP cardlock. A battered grain tower keeps watch over a few scattered houses and a shuttered town hall.

We thought it would be fun to have a picnic here. But despite the total lack of amenities, there were still a lot of bugs. Go figure.


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