Saskatoon-produced television series to embark on documentary style format
The Neighbor’s Dog, a locally produced television series that features live intimate performances from a variety of Canadian musicians, are celebrating their return to the screen as the show enters its fourth season.
Focusing on house concerts that are filmed in a variety of locations throughout Saskatoon, the series has undergone a recent transformation into documentary style reporting. It’s a move that producer and director Darryl Kesslar says has inspired him and his crew to extend the episodes to an hour-long each.
“In order to be considered a documentary we had to get a little deeper into the artists than we previously did,” says Kesslar. “Before we really spent most of our time focusing on the music. Now we are spending more time with the artists.”
Having previously worked with the likes of The Sheepdogs, The Deep Dark Woods and The Sadies, Kesslar says that investigating the bands on The Neighbor’s Dog has brought forth a new set of challenges for the series.
“The reformat of the show has made us rethink who we feature on the show,” says Kesslar. “There are so many artists out there who have an interesting back story and then there are those younger artists who don’t have a deeper history, like Rah Rah where their story is a lot more recent than someone like The Grapes of Wrath.”
Viewers can expect to see bands such as Rah Rah, Hannah Georgas, Daniel Romano, Grapes of Wrath, Odds and Yukon Blonde in season four.
The new format of The Neighbor’s Dog will officially launch on Thursday, October 17 along with a reception and performances from Daniel Romano with Grey Kingdom.
The Neighbors Dog Season 4 will premiere on City Saskatchewan (via SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct, Access Communications and Bell TV) on Sunday Oct 20th at 10pm CST with an encore presentation Fri Oct 25th at 10:30pm. Episodes will be available for national online viewing at beginning Oct 21st.
For more information on the launch and The Neighbor’s Dog click on the event page HERE.