Having split a decade ago, Regina group likely could have been huge
These days it’s hardly surprising when a band from the fabled land of “back-in-the-day” reunites for another kick at the can.
In fact, given enough time and money you could likely see your favourite songs performed by any cadre of gently worn musicians even if they have been broken up for years.
Or decades.
Like we need another grim reminder of the imminence of (old) age.
Thankfully, this is hardly the case for the reunion of Despistado.
See the Facebook event for more detail.
Formed in 2001 in Regina, the group quickly released a six song EP of raw, danceable indie rock that was both cerebral and fun to dance along to.
Especially if you were one of the two naked guys on stage at the now legendary Threeohsix Fest in Saskatoon at the Cosmo Seniors Centre back in 2003.
A decade later and I still find people who talk excitedly about those moments.
So when Despistado broke up in 2004 it was, to put it mildly, heartbreaking.
If they had made it a few more months they would have seen the triumphant unveiling of their first full-length album, The People Of and their Verses released on prominent indie label Jade Tree Records.
And then what? Who knows? Probably something huge.
Fast-forward ten years. Despistado are back. And while this is grand news for many, according to Joel Passmore – who also handles bass duties in Rah Rah – the reunion is simply a group of friends back in the same saddle.
“We planned this week and a half to basically hang out and go camping and play some shows – sort of like a summer vacation,” says Passmore.
Despistado’s reunion is a cause celebration for those who remember them fondly, but also for anyone who is a fan of good music played wildly and enthusiastically.
Furthermore, Despistado’s reunion doesn’t make me feel old; the band serves as a reminder that we can always make time to be young.
Or dance naked at a rock show.
Win Tickets to go see Despistado in Saskatoon
Vangelis and Ominocity are giving away two tickets for Despistado’s Saskatoon performance on Friday, July 12 at Vangelis Tavern.
Wanna win? All you have to do is comment via Facebook, Twitter or this page on your favourite Despistado moment. Basement show? Or maybe the 2009 reunion show? Or favourite song?
Opening for Despistado are Regina’s The Spoils and Myles and the Blanks.
See you there!
– Featured photo courtesy of Ryan Jackson/Punkoryan.com