Ominocity couch at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day

Saskatoon Park(ing) Day Recap: Photos & Video

Saskatoon’s Park(ing) Day a success says organizers

There was no shortage of criticisms leading up to the event, but Saskatoon’s Park(ing) Day clearly presented an alternative festival that celebrated building sustainable, creative streets that promoted quality of life, business and investment.

In some ways it was the total antithesis of events like Cruise Weekend, which shuts down city streets to look at parked cars. Woo! But, walking up 20th Street, an area that has seen so much transformation in the past few years, it was wholly refreshing to be greeted with smiling faces, music, fashion, art and a general celebratory mood.

Some people, reportedly, weren’t all that into the event. But I guess those things are hard to appreciate when everywhere you have to drive in a car is of the utmost importance.

For those of us too busy having fun to care, Park(ing) Day was a total success, with bands stomping up a storm on Ominocity’s red couch, on the main stage in the parking lot on 20th and Ave B, and inside the Two Twenty coworking space.

Highlights of the evening included dancing outside, eating poutine, getting silly on keg beer and learning how to operate a soundboard when I’ve never attempted such a thing before in my life.

Already looking forward to next year!

Rory Borealis at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Rory Borealis

Karpinka Brothers at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayCarrie Catherine at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Karpinka Brothers & Carrie Catherine

Muse & the Buffoon at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayCaila Ellerman at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Muse and the Buffoon & Caila Ellerman

Chad Reynolds at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Chad Reynolds

Fountains of Youth at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayArms Up at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Fountains of Youth & Arms Up

911 Turbo at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
911 Turbo

Kay the Aquanaut at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayKay the Aquanaut at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Kay the Aquanaut at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayKay the Aquanaut

Myles and the Blanks at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Myles and the Blanks

Aaron Adair at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayJohn Antoniuk at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Aaron Adair & John Antoniuk

Wooden Reverie at Saskatoon Park(ing) DayMisterfire at Saskatoon Park(ing) Day
Wooden Reverie & Misterfire

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