Ex-Saskatonian delivers blistering set at UK festival
It’s safe to say that Jordan Cook, a blues guitar phenom who started his career in elementary school at an age when most of his friends were likely peeing on the tire swing, has had a fairly bizarre career. Having signed to a major label in his teen years, he has faced a number of setbacks despite a still-impressive amount of success.
Suffice to say, Jordan Cook can still play a guitar like a motherfucker.
So, maybe it should come as no surprise that Cook received an endorsement – “this is BADASS” – via Motley Crue’s Tommy Lee. Or maybe shit is about to get even weirder.
How about that!
Despite having relocated from Saskatoon to Seattle – I am certain he also lived in Los Angeles as well – Cook now goes under the name Reignwolf, and has a fairly cool live schtick where he pounds on a fuzzed-out mandolin while playing drums at the same time.
Suffice to say, Jordan Cook can still play a guitar like a motherfucker, moreso than ever.
Not having seen him for, oh, let’s say many years, it came as a complete surprise to run into Cook at Liverpool’s Sound City Festival, where he was playing several showcases including an appearance at a screen printing studio/art gallery. Major boner!
But I was even more surprised by how impressive his live set has become. While he is still the master of the blues, Cook now take a heavy, grooved-out approach, sounding like the ilk of bands from his new hometown – expect a strange mix of stoner riffs with Soundgarden-meets-Gordie “Big Sugar” Johnson solos. But, you know, still the blues.
“Badass” isn’t all that far off.
In the meantime, check out Cook’s latest album Seven Deadly Sins or, even better, the live video from his set at the Liverpool Sound City Festival.