Vancouver-based orchestral pop group is tonnes-o’-fun
Social media websites are a lot like parties – too many guests and things get a little batty. Invariably, douches start showing up, someone starts talking way too much and too loudly, a lot of really blurry photos are taken and your ex shows up with a terrible anecdote about their newest fling.
But, every now and then, you make a weird out-of-nowhere connection that totally validates why you bothered showing up in the first place. I have no idea how he found me, but Andrew from Vancouver’s The Ruffled Feathers added me on Twitter and immediately proceeded to charm my socks off with witty, adorable banter and a brassy, upbeat pop band. He’s also cute as fuck, which totally helps.
On Oracles, The Ruffled Feathers’ first full-length album, the band tromps through 12 songs of sprightly indie pop that is both spirited and cerebral – kind of like a high school chess club that got into too much of dad’s bourbon.
Even though sometimes we never meet face to face, some of the funnest people are the ones who you have a drink with over vast distances – they usually have the best bands too.