Win tickets to Deadmau5 and 2Chainz at Kocheda Festival in Saskatoon

Contest: Comment on this article to win tickets to upcoming Kocheda Festival

Kocheda Winter Music Festival, which takes place on December 29 at Prairieland Park, recently announced that they were bringing in headliners deadmau5 and 2Chainz as their inaugural performers.

And Ominocity wants to send two lucky readers to the party.

Want to win a pair of Kocheda Festival tickets? All you have to do is leave a comment on this article (don’t forget to leave your email address. Otherwise we’re giving your tickets to the dog.)

We will announce the winners on Dec. 20.

This upcoming event will mark the first appearance for Kocheda, which is Inuit terminology for ‘New Snow’, in Saskatoon. Tickets are currently on sale on their website – check that out HERE.

Ominocity recently caught up with Kocheda co-producer Justin Pandos on what fans can expect from the festival and why deadmau5 is strangely awesome.

Ominocity: What can fans expect from the inaugural Kocheda Winter Music Festival beyond just the music? Will there be a visual aspect?

Justin Pandos: Beyond the music, there will be top-quality lighting and stage production, including a full LED & visual show. Western Canada is a hub for incredible events, and we want the EDM events in this area to rival the leading international EDM festivals.

OM: So why deadmau5 as the headliner?

JP: We’re very lucky to have deadmau5 as a headliner for our inaugural year. His list of accolades is extensive – from performing at the Grammys to being on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine – he’s a rare Canadian superstar. He also has a special relationship with Saskatoon after his last event. The people of Saskatoon love him and he loves to play there.

– Featured photo from Flickr user “TonyFelgueiras” – Creative Commons.

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