Buffalo Invasion to play Underground Cafe on July 11
When Buffalo Invasion made their official debut at this year’s MoSoFest they immediately won us over. Combining anthem guitar riffs with high-energy rhythms, the duo hollered their way through soaring, grungy gut-rock.
“Hopefully we’ll all be seeing more of them live in the future,” we thought.
Turns out they are playing their last show of the year this Friday.
What, what?
Comprised of members Dustin Wawryk and Dan Hall, Buffalo Invasion have been hammering away in a basement putting together a set of some seriously catchy songs. Having played a couple of parties and basements before MoSo, their set at the Underground Cafe will be the last chance for anyone to see them play in Saskatoon for some time.
“Dan got an opportunity that he couldn’t pass up so he’s heading overseas and we will be put on hiatus for a while,” says Wawryk.
But it’s not all heartbreak. There are still plans for a forthcoming album, says Wawryk.
“We have about 15 or 16 songs recorded so I just need to put in some time mixing and mastering them. And then hopefully we can have something to release in the fall.”
Wawryk says the plan is for the band has always been to keep continuing whenever the members are in the same place. While the idea is tentative, Wawryk says the duo could be playing again as soon as the New Year.
But until then, you should probably just catch them while you can.