cfcr 2012

CFCR unveils 2012 FM-Phasis line-up: Preview

Saskatoon community radio station shifts focus to local performers

CFCR, Saskatoon’s favourite, and only, community radio station has revealed their 2012 FM-Phasis live show line-up.

While the majority of this year’s performers are local acts – Fist City and Bend Sinister being the notable exceptions – all shows are set to take place at Amigos Cantina for the whompingly reasonable price of $5.

CFCR knows how to throw down

Needless to say, in addition to providing Saskatoon with endless music, entertainment and upbeat chatter, CFCR knows how to throw down. So, with FM-Phasis being CFCR’s biggest annual fundraiser and accounting for much of their operating budget, you should also come party with us/them.

In fact, despite making little to bupkis from this site, Ominocity’s founders are making personal donations to the station, and would like to issue a challenge to all other broke-ass bloggers in Saskatoon to do the same.

Donate to CFCR HERE.

We would have liked to issue a sleeveless drunk arm-wrestling challenge as well, but have been advised against this by our lawyers.

In the meantime, stay tuned for some exciting news involving Ominocity and CFCR, and make sure to come out and support an amazing cause.

CFCR FM-Phasis 2012 (click on individual shows for the Facebook event page)

Sept. 8 – Fist City, Mondo Trasho, Way Out West DJ’s

Sept. 14 – Ride Til Dawn, Shakey Wilson, Brucey Ramone, The Seahags

Sept. 15 – Gunner & Smith, Fisticuffs, Little Criminals

Sept. 21 – Shooting Guns w/ The Foggy Notions, Way Out West DJ’s

Sept. 22 – Quadrant Khan (Live Set), Dislexik, Form, Economics

Sept. 28 – The Moas, Bend Sinister, Pandas In Japan

Sept. 29 – The Switching Yard, SAVS, Pearson