Retro worship – even when it’s something retardedly awesome like pre-grunge, post-metal sludge rock – can get a little tiresome. Thankfully, in the case of Toronto’s Greys, it’s stupidly amazing. The four-piece do it right, with lots of ‘90s fuzz mixed with a wholly youthful energy.
On their 10” EP vinyl, entitled Ultra Sorta, Greys manages to harness the awesome power of labels like Am-Rep and early Sub Pop without sucking the Melvins’ collective dicks too much. Not that anyone would blame them otherwise, of course.
Opening the show is the Grey Light District, possibly one of the most awkward-looking bands in Saskatoon. We’ll see about that.
Greys w/ Grey Light District and Auld Beak
Saturday, July 30th at Jale
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