Grilled cheese sandwiches, rainbows make appearance at Kindersley music festival
We didn’t get an official word on the winner of the grilled cheese sandwich eating contest, but from all accounts it sounds like Kindersley’s Grilledcheesapolooza music festival was a total blast.
We sent Geoff Smith, front man of the excellent Gunner & Smith, as our official Ominocity correspondent – here is what he had to say about the weekend:
Had a really small town family friendly folksy feel during the day. Rain made the second night a bit tough. Classy Chassys got rained out after a few songs. Phoenix Lauren got canceled due to the weather. Storm passed and they started ‘er up again. Best set I saw was High Kicks, the crowd really got into them.
Geoff also took some photos for us; looks like we owe you a beer and/or a grilled cheese.