I first heard about Jessica Jalbert from Edmonton ukulele-pop wunderkind Doug Hoyer. Doug seems to the busiest man in Edmonton, playing his own music in multiple bands, promoting shows with frightening frequency and generally being an all around great guy who is likely too busy for his own good. So when he first recommended Jessica as someone Slow Down, Molasses should play with, then followed that up by saying he played in her band, I was intrigued. You know when someone as busy with their own music as Doug takes time to play in someone else’s band; it has to be something worth checking out.
Unsurprisingly then, the first song off Jessica Jalbert’s soon to be released album is something definitely worth checking out. With a nod to some of the great, sugar sweet fuzz pop that has been made by North American indie bands the last 15 years, Paris, Green layers sweet crunchy rhythm guitar with a squelching, squealing noise lead that sits nicely under Jessica’s perfectly laid back vocal melodies. If you ever fell in love with mid-90’s east coast indie-pop, you’d be foolish not to take a moment to check this song out.
— Guest curated by Tyson McShane, Slow Down, Molasses