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Comic strip enthusiasts made it possible for a form of literature to turn into mainstream media. Nowadays, comic books take the form of online stories subscribed to by millions of followers. These are not limited to the popular franchises like Marvel or DC, because it would seem that fan fiction has overtaken the known brands when it comes to numbers. Currently, comics have spawned a lot of merchandise: shirts, ball caps, school supplies, even shoes. Most superheroes of comic strips have been featured in a full-length film. The staggering influence of comics, therefore, can neither be denied nor discounted.
Because of the multitude of its audiences, comic superheroes are now the trademark of the American pastime: slot machines. Slot makers claim that they’re targeting a younger market, so they continue to design themes which cater to their interests. A news article published on stated that this new generation of machines is starting to outshine the “boxy, chrome devices” which were at the center stage of casinos before. With this logic, superhero themed slots are now the trendy alternative. For instance, the new features in The Bellagio are the Iron Man and Superman themed slots.
Of all the comic franchises, the Marvel brand seems to have monopolized the top designs for modern slot machines. Some of the best superhero themed slots include Ghost Rider, X-Men, Blade, Captain America, Daredevil, The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, Iron Man 2, Thor the Mighty Avenger, and Fantastic Four. These usually have progressive jackpots and interactive interfaces which make them engaging and highly enjoyable.
However, rival DC Comics isn’t letting Marvel get the lion’s share of comic book-inspired slots. The comic book company provided a license for some of its popular superheroes like Batman, Green Lantern, and The Flash to be used in the creation of slot games that can be played on the site of InterCasino — the first company that offered online casino gaming to the world in 1996. Aside from online slot machines, famous DC characters are also present in several land-based casino slots such as IGT’s The Dark Knight slot machine, which is based on the 2008 movie adaptation of the famous franchise by director Christopher Nolan. The said slot was unveiled in Monte Carlo in 2011.
In the early days of the medium, comic book fans are downplayed by other industries because it is a niche culture. However, the presence of comic book-inspired slots proves that you can bet on superheroes to draw in both hardcore and casual fans to whatever product you can find them.